
  • 给自己打气: 你要对自己说的12句话 英语美文推荐

    Each of us has a fire in our hearts burning for something. It’s our responsibility in life to find it and keep it lit. This is your life, and it’s a short one. Don’t let others extinguish your flame. Try what you...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语诗歌欣赏:圣诞节的欢乐

    Christmas Joys 圣诞节的欢乐Evergreen boughs that fill our homes常青树枝将家里填满了With fragrant Christmas scents,浓浓的圣诞氛围Hearts filled with the loving glow圣诞节带来的爱意That Christmas represents;填满我们的心Christmas cookies, turkeys stuffed,圣诞节点心、火鸡Festive ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语美文:10条贴士让你做事有始有终

    For the full original unedited article, visit Celestine’s blog, Personal Excellence.Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them?If so, you are not alone. Many people have a habit of starting projects but not f...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文赏析:谁在为你打包降落伞?

    Charlie Plumb was a US Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. He flew 74 consecutive successful combat missions. However on his 75th mission, his F4Phantom fighter was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile and he was forced to eject. The only...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 智慧英语:向远方的美景欢呼

    Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!向远方的美景欢呼!-and see no end to the landscape,new objects presenting themselves as we advance;so,in the commencement of life,we set no bounds to our inclinations.nor to the unrestricted oppor...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 短篇美文赏析-Who gave me the ears

    "Can I see my baby?" the happy new mother asked.When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out the tall hospital window. The...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 推荐双语散文:Crocus(番红花)

    It was an autumn morning shortly after my husband and I moved into our first house. Our children were upstairs unpacking, and I was looking out the window at my father moving around mysteriously on the front lawn. My parents lived...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 诗歌: I'm Feeling Rather Full Tonight

    I'm feeling rather full tonight.I couldn't eat another bite.I couldn't eat a half a bean,or even taste a tangerine.I couldn't lick a lettuce leafor bite the slightest bit of beef.I couldn't polish off a peaor s...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美丽的英语:Lake Of Autumn

    I remember quite clearly now when the story happened. The autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground, recovering the lake, where we used to swim like children, under the sun was there to shine. That time we used to ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 诗歌:当你满23岁时该知道些什么

    On His Being Arrived to the Age of Twenty-Threeby John MiltonHow soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth,Stolen on his wing my three-and-twentieth year!My hasting days fly on with full career,But my late spring no bud or blossom...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语晨读:丹芙妮

    Daphne was a lovely blooming fairy maiden.As she was playing merrily in the woods one day she saw Apollo the sun-god staring at her with more than amazement and admiration in his eyes.The beaming face of the sun put her to flight....
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语名篇名段背诵精华49

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.I have a dream today!I have a dream that one day, down in Ala...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:幸福是个过程

    Happiness is a journeyWe always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more contet when they are...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语散文:爱的真谛:是谁给我的耳朵

    A True Gift of Love"Can I see my baby?" the happy new mother asked.When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美丽的英语:我的野蛮祖母(2)

    At one point during the party, I made my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and grandly walked in. I was still sitting down."Don’’t you kn...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语散文:尝试不同

    When we first read the following story, we had just begun teaching a course called "The Million Dollar Forum," a course designed to teach people to accelerate their income up to levels of a million dollars a year or more...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语美文:人生十年,这十年带走了什么又留下了什么?

    父母 parents十年前我们是父母的孩子10 years ago, we were children of our parents;十年后我们是孩子的父母10 years later, we become parents of our children.十年前我有温暖的家10 years ago, i had a home full of joys and affection ;十年后我才体会家的温暖10 years later, i feel warm...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语美文:这个时代很多东西似非而是

    [1]We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less common sense; more knowledge, but less judgement; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.[2...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17

    SHALL WE CHOOSE DEATH?Bertrand RussellDecember 30, 1954I am speaking not as a Briton, not as a European, not as a member of a western democracy, but as a human being, a member of the species Man, whose continued existence is in do...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 经典美文欣赏:The Two Roads 两条路

    It was New Year’s Night. An aged man was standing at a window. He had already passed sixty of the stages leading to it, and he had brought from his journey nothing but errors and remorse.The days of his youth appeared like d...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17