俚语one up的意思解释和用法例句
one up one up用法一 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[便餐柜台用语]一杯热巧克力,一杯啤酒,一份法兰克福香肠面包卷 one-up one up用法二 用作形容词及副词的意思:高人一筹的(地),胜人一筹的(地),占上风的(地),领先一分的(地) 用法及例句:The home team was one-up on the visitors.主队胜客队筹。 I always try to be one-up.我总是想出人头地。 The Pinks ... -
one-two-three-and-a-splash 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)(方言)一餐有肉、土豆、面包加肉囟的饭 用法及例句:Do you want to make a meal of one-two-three-and-a-splash?你要不要吃一顿肉、土豆、面包加肉卤的饭?... -
one-upmanship 用作名词的意思: (以藏而不露的狡诈手法)胜人一筹的本事或技巧经验 用法及例句:We have seen through his good-humored game of political one-upmanship.我们已经识破了他那看似十分和善实质胜人一筹的政治谋略。... -
one-two punch的意思解释和用法例句,俚语one-two punch (或blow)
one-two punch (或blow) 用作名词及形容词的意思:(美国俚语)(拳击用语)左右开弓 用法及例句:zipping “one-two blows”to the jaw 左右开弓正中对方下巴 They were good potent one-two punches.他们是左右开弓的好手。... -
俚语one-track mind的意思解释和用法例句
one-track mind 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)着了迷的或爱钻牛角尖的脑袋 用法及例句:Mary has a one-track mind. All she thinks about is Tom.玛丽是着了迷啦,她满脑子全是汤姆。... -
one-two的意思解释和用法例句,俚语one-two(=the old one-two)
one-two(=the old one-two)(美国俚语)[拳击用语]左右连击两拳(指先出左直拳,后出右勾挙,都击中对乎) 用法及例句:Tom gave Bill the old one-two,and the argument was ended right there. 汤姆左右开弓连出两拳,击中了比尔,于是这场较量就此结束了。 Watch out for Tom. He’s a master of one-two.你要提防汤姆。他是打... -
俚语one too many的意思解释和用法例句
one too many 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)足够一醉的烈性酒,(转义)指人已喝得酒醉有余 用法及例句:It’s driver had obviously had one too many.那辆车的司机很明显是喝多了。... -
one-shot 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) one-shot用法一 用作形容词的意思:一次性的,只用一次的,一次而成的 用法及例句:There is no easy one-shot answer to the problem.这个问题是难以轻而易举地一次解决的。 Maybe it’s a one-shot deal.说不定那是一桩”一槌子”买卖。 one-shot用法二 用作名词的意思: 1.不连载的单篇报导或文章 用法及例句:It is... -
one red cent的意思解释和用法例句,俚语one (或a) red cent
one (或a) red cent 用作名词的意思:数目极小的一点钱 用法及例句:He was stony broke, not one red cent could he produce.他穷得连一分钱也拿不出来。... -
one on the city的意思解释和用法例句,俚语one on the city (=one on the house)
one on the city (=one on the house) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[便餐柜台用语]一杯水 用法及例句:You want one on the city or soda water?你要一杯水还是苏打水?... -
oner 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.独特的、卓越的人或事物 用法及例句:That was a great joke,a oner.那事好笑极了,闻所未闻。 Carl is a real oner. I’m glad to know him.卡尔是一位真正的杰出人物。我很高兴认识他。 2.专家,入迷的人 用法及例句:She’s such a oner for that.她对那件事是如此着迷。 3. 一英镑,100英镑 用法及例... -
俚语one on the country的意思解释和用法例句
one on the country 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[便餐柜台用语]一杯脱脂牛奶 用法及例句:One on the country is enough for me.给我一杯脱脂牛奶就够了。... -
one of those的意思解释和用法例句,俚语one of those (=one of them, one of us)
one of those (=one of them, one of us) 用作名词的意思:[委婉语]同性恋者,相公 用法及例句:He was homosexual,or as we put it, one of those.他是同性恋者,或者我们称其为相公。... -
one of the boys的意思解释和用法例句,俚语one of the boys (或guys)
one of the boys (或guys) 用作名词的意思:和蔼可亲的普通人,没有架子或地位不显赫的人,业余爱好者团体成员之一,玩友 用法及例句:His Eminence was trying to be one of the boys.那位主教大人尽想做得平易近人。... -
俚语one of the faithful的意思解释和用法例句
one of the faithful 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)一个酒鬼、醉汉 用法及例句:I saw one of the faithful standing at the bar.我看到酒吧间那边站着一个醉汉。... -
俚语one-man show的意思解释和用法例句
one-man show 用作名词的意思: 1.个人作品展览 用法及例句:She is having a one-man show at the Northside Galleiy.她正在北部画廊举行一个个人作品展览。 2.独角戏 用法及例句:It was a one-man show,but it was very entertaining.那是一出独角戏,不过很有看头。 3.(美国俚语)独资经营的企业、生意等 用法及例句:The company had... -
one-lunger 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)单缸发动机,单缸发动机的汽车或船 用法及例句:A simple one-lunger is wheezing. 一辆简易的单缸汽车在发出呼哧呼哧的响声。... -
俚语one-night stand的意思解释和用法例句
one-night stand 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1. 只演一晚的表演或戏,只上映一场的电影 用法及例句:You can’t make a living doing one-night stands.你靠只演出一晚的表演是没法过日子的。 Not a bad gig, but just a one-night stand.这一特约演唱不错,可惜只演唱一晚。 2.只过一夜的露水夫妻 用法及例句:It was not a romance,...
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