
  • 短篇美文赏析-一棵开花的树

    一棵开花的树A Blooming Tree如何让你遇见我在我最美丽的时刻为这——我已在佛前 求了五百年求它让我们结一段尘缘May Buddha let us meetin my most beautiful hours,I have prayed for itfor five hundred years.佛于是把我化做一棵树长在你必经的路旁阳光下慎重地开满了花朵朵都是我前世的盼望Buddha made me a treeby the path you ma...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语散文:The Five Boons of Life

    The Five Boons of LifeIn the morning of life came a good fairy with her basket,and said:"Here are gifts. Take one, leave the others,And be wary,choose wisely!For only one of them is valuable."The gifts were five :Fame, Love ,Riche...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英文诗歌:见或不见 Meet, or not2

    英文诗歌:见或不见 Meet, or not2Whether you meet me, or notI am right therewithout sorrow, or joyWhether you miss me, or notAffection is right therewithout coming or goingWhether you love me, or notLove is right therewithout increasing or ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 关于爱的英语文章

    I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them kno...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语美文在线阅读:欲把西湖比西子

    我们曾经讲过一个故事叫“东施效颦”。故事里有个美女叫西施,长得非常美,以致于人们在形容美丽的景色的时候,都拿她来做比喻。这次呱呱要带大家去的地方就是和西施一样美的西湖。西湖又叫西子湖。it is located in the west part of hangzhou, zhejiang province. 对于西湖之美,人们有很多种比喻。some one thinks the west lake is just like a beautiful trad...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语美文:富有并非成功 追求精神上的满足

    In order to tell what I believe, I must briefly sketch something of my personal history.为了阐明我的信仰,我必须简单介绍一下我的经历。The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music. My parents, althou...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 短文欣赏:Happiness at Work

    If you are a relatively junior employee at your company, though you carry out a very important role, you may not always be recognised. You might also face some of the following challenges:Little fulfilment at workLong working hour...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语名篇名段背诵精华51

    President Bush addresses Nation on space shuttle Columbia tragedyMy fellow Americans, this day has brought terrible news and great sadness to our country. At 9:00 a.m. this morning, Mission Control in Houston lost contact with our...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 拥有快乐人生的二十条法则

    1. Compliment three people every day. 每天赞美三个人。2. Watch a sunrise. 看日出。3. Be the first to say "Hello." 先向别人打招呼。4. Live beneath your means. 靠自己的力量生活。5. Treat everyone as you want to be treated. 像自己希望得到的善待一样善待他人。6. Never gi...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美丽的英语:雪莱致伊丽莎白

    Your letter of the 1st hath this moment reached me. I answer it according to our agreement, which shall be inviolable. Truly did you say that, at our arising in the morning, Nature assumes a different aspect.我刚才收到您1号的来信,按我们之间的约定给您...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语阅读:The Five Images of Love

    No one understands the nature of love; it is like a bird of heaven that sings a strange language. It lights down among us, coming from whence we know not, going we know not how or when, striking out wild notes of music that make e...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 优秀的人们每天会做的10件事

    We all see and hear about extraordinary people around us and wonder why can’t we be more like them? Sometimes we chuck that notion as absurd and unachievable. I would say not so fast. It’s not the big things that make someone extr...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 短文欣赏: Growing roots 成长的树根

    When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard. I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than circumstances warranted...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语散文:四月雨带来五月花

    April Showers Bring May FlowersFrom the golden-tipped fields of mid-west America to the ancient kingdoms of verdant Palestine, there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would take heed. In more recent times, this truth has ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:无论陷入怎样的困境也不要想着自杀

    Life is not always a bed of roses for anyone. While at times, you feel the soft touch of petals, there are many times when you may stumble upon or worse still, feel the prick of a thorn. Those who are frustrated with living may ha...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 诗歌:The Chimney Sweeper扫烟囱孩子(一)

    The Chimney Sweeper 扫烟囱孩子--William Blake --威廉.布莱克The Chimney Sweeper is the title of two poems by William Blake, published in Songs of Innocence in 1789 and Songs of Experience in 1794.In the earlier poem, a young chimney sweeper ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 双语诗歌欣赏:想家了,那片云就下雨

    想家了,那片云就下雨诗/谢小明天空飘过的那片云是故乡的那片云那是候鸟的唯一标记想家的时候,大雁先飞回去那片云在盛夏时用来擦一擦城里的汗水天冷了,是暧在心窝的一片棉絮天空飘过的那片云常常飘过故乡那是游子的唯一标记想家了,那片云就下雨When They Miss Home, That Wisp Of Cloud Is Bound To RainA poem by XieXiaoMing/Tr. by LilyThe cloudDrifting across t...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 美文欣赏:美不胜收的哥本哈根

    Spotlight on Copenhagen美不胜收的哥本哈根Are you too old for fairy tales? If you think so, Copenhagen is sure to change your mind.See the city first from the water. In the harbor sits Denmark s best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid. Reme...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语短篇小说赏析-The Image Of The Lost Soul

    The Image Of The Lost SoulSakiThere were a number of carved stone figures placed at intervals along the parapets of the old Cathedral; some of them represented angels, others kings and bishops, and nearly all were in attitudes of ...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17
  • 英语美文30篇系列之26

    It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous than the offenses of others. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we ca...
    9144590 英语美文 2023-03-17