shitty end of the stick的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(the) shitty (或shit) end of the stick
(the) shitty (或shit) end of the stick *见short end of the stick... -
shive(=sheive,chiv)(美国俚语)n.l.[黑社会用语]刀,利器(尤指用作凶器的小刀或折叠小刀) 用法及例句:The dreadful clasp-knife called shive is exposed and used if necessary.这种被称为利器、让人见了害怕的折叠刀,在必要时会被亮出来使用的。 2.[无业游民用语]刺须刀 用作动词的意思: [黑社会用语](用刀子〉戳、刺、捅 用法及例句:Rocko was shived... -
shitty 用作形容词的意思:l.低卑的,下流的,恶劣的 用法及例句:That’s a shitty thing to say.那是一件说出来很下流的事。 2.不恰当的,令人不快的 用法及例句:It was shitty of him not to finish the message.他不完成这项差事太不应该了。 3.不舒服的,有病的 用法及例句:He fell real shitty and went home.他觉得身体很不舒服,回家去... -
skitter 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)抽水马桶,厕所 用法及例句:He’s sitting down on the shitter.他正坐在抽水马桶上呐。... -
shitstorm 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)乱七八糟,杂乱无章 用法及例句:The artist is trying to turn the shitstorm of his life into music.那位艺术家正在努力想把他生活当中那些乱哄哄的东西变得像乐曲一般和谐。... -
shitsure 用作副词的意思:(美国俚语)十分肯定,毫无疑问 用法及例句:Shitsure it’s gonna be a rough winter this year.毫无疑问,今年的冬天将会是令人难以忍受的。... -
shitstick 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)人所不齿的、无足轻重的人 用法及例句:All those guys are shitsticks. I don’t want to have any?thing to do with any of them.所有那些家伙全是令人不齿的可鄙之人。我不想跟他们当中任何人打交道。... -
shitsky 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.粪便,排泄物 用法及例句:Some rude dog has left a little pile of shitsky on the sidewalk.有条野狗在人行道上拉了一小堆屎。 2. 可鄙的人 用法及例句:The stupid shitsky is back on scag again.这可鄙的愚蠹家伙又重新吸上海洛因了。... -
shits的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(the) shits
(the) shits 用作名词的意思: 腹泻,拉肚子 用法及例句:“Go easy on the water at first,” he advised. “Beer won’t give you the shits.”他告诫说:”首先对于喝水要注意。啤酒是不会让你拉肚子的。”... -
shit one’s pants的意思解释和用法例句,俚语shit (in) one’s pants
shit (in) one’s pants 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)极度害怕、恐慌 用法及例句:Michael was shitting in his pants.迈克尔当时吓得屁滚尿流。... -
俚语shit out of luck的意思解释和用法例句
shit out of luck 用作副词的意思:(美国俚语)[无业游民用语]为时已晚,生不逢时,无成功希望 用法及例句:You’re shit out of luck, pal, they’ve gone.老兄,你晚了一步,他们已经走了。... -
俚语Shit or get off the pot.的意思解释和用法例句
Shit or get off the pot.(美国俚语)(常用于表示不满或提出要求)不能举棋不定。应当机立断 用法及例句:The union leader wamed that the city had until Feb. 1 to shit or get off the pot.工会领抽警告说,市政当局在2月1日之前必须作出决定。... -
俚语shit on a shingle的意思解释和用法例句
shit on a shingle 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[军队用语]奶油吐司上放生肉片的美味小吃 用法及例句:Hey, this shit on a shingle is pretty good.喂,这种美味小吃相当不错。... -
俚语shit on wheels的意思解释和用法例句
shit on wheels 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[无业游民用语]与众不同的、了不起的人或事 用法及例句:He thinks he’s shit on wheels.他自以为与众不同。... -
shit on somebody的意思解释和用法例句,俚语shit on somebody(或something)
shit on somebody(或something) 用作动词的意思: (常用作感叹语)蔑视、讨厌或抵制(某人或某事物) 用法及例句:Shit on his suggestions! 他的建议一钱不值!...
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