sixer 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.[黑社会用语]六个月徒刑 用法及例句:He is under sentence of sixer.他被判处六个月徒刑。 2. (饮料,尤指啤酒的)六罐一包、盒、箱装 用法及例句:Please stop by the store and pick up a sixer. 那铺子旁边停一下,买一箱六罐装的啤酒。... -
six-gun的意思解释和用法例句,俚语six-gun (=six shooter)
six-gun (=six shooter) 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)六发左轮手枪,左轮枪 用法及例句:Rocko carried a six-gun, but wouldn’t dream of using it.罗果带了一柄左轮枪,不过他做梦也不会想到用它。 Lefly keeps his six shooter under his mattress.莱夫蒂把他的左轮枪放在床垫底下。... -
Siwash的意思解释和用法例句,俚语Siwash (=old Siwash)
Siwash (=old Siwash) 用作名词的意思:内地的小型大学,”野鸡”大学 用法及例句:Most of the collegians (from Harvard to Siwash) will gather here next week.大多数高等学校的学生(从哈佛大学到内地不起眼的大学)都将于下周在这里聚集。... -
sit-upon 用作名词的意思:屁股 用法及例句:The doctor gave her a shut in the sit-upon.医生给她在屁股上扎了一针。... -
situash 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)环境,情况,情景 用法及例句:He grew up in a situash of poverty.他在贫穷的环境里长大。... -
sitting pretty的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(be) sitting pretty
(be) sitting pretty 用作动词的意思:处于有利地位,养尊处优,生活富裕 用法及例句:She married a millionaire, and now she’s sitting pretty.她嫁了一个百万富翁,所以现在生活很富裕。... -
俚语sitting duck的意思解释和用法例句
sitting duck 用作名词的意思:容易上当受骗者,毫无戒备的人,必被击中无疑的目标 用法及例句:The guy was a sitting duck for a mugging.此人是易遭抢劫受害的一个对象。... -
俚语sit tight的意思解释和用法例句
sit tight 用作动词的意思:l.坚持自己的立场,固执己见 用法及例句:He is still sitting tight with regard to his opinion that the chairman should resign.他仍然坚持自己的意见,认为主席应该辞职。 2.耐心等待 用法及例句:Just sit tight, she’ll be here in a minute.只要耐心等下,她马上就到。... -
sit there with one’s finger up one’s ass的意思解释和用法例句,俚语sit there with one’s finger (或thumb) up one’s ass
sit there with one’s finger (或thumb) up one’s ass 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)不予置理,不闻不问,无所事事 用法及例句:I suppose you think I’m just sitting there every day with my thumb up my ass.我料想,你认为我是天天坐着什么事都不管吧。... -
sitter 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)屁股 用法及例句:My sitter is sore from sitting too long.我坐得太久了屁股都坐痛了。... -
sit still for的意思解释和用法例句,俚语sit still for (something)
sit still for (something) 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)容忍,宽恕,忍受挑衅 用法及例句:The nation will simply not sit still for the years of slow growth.国家 压根儿不会容忍长达几年的缓慢增长。... -
俚语sit on one’s hands的意思解释和用法例句
sit on one’s hands 用作动词的意思: 1.不鼓掌,(对演出、报告、发言等)反应冷淡或产生反感 用法及例句:They sat on their hands from the beginning till the end of this show.他们对这场演出从头至尾反应冷淡。 2.表现消极,无动于衷 用法及例句:I asked him for help, but he sat on his hands.我请他帮助,可是他却... -
俚语sit on one’s ass的意思解释和用法例句
sit on one’s ass 用作动词的意思:(美国俚语)袖手旁观(尤指不履行职责) 用法及例句:The congressman sat on his ass while the neighborhood hospital deteriorated. 当近在身边的医院情况恶化时,那位众议员却坐视不问。... -
sit next to nelly的意思解释和用法例句,俚语sit next to (或by,with) nelly (或Nellie)
sit next to (或by,with) nelly (或Nellie) 用作动词的意思:跟别人学着做,见习 用法及例句:Joumalisls are the casual labourers of the intellectual world… Most training still consists of sitting next to nelly.新闻记者是知识界不固定的脑力劳动者…大部分的培养训练还在于跟着别人边学边干。... -
俚语sit in the catbird seat的意思解释和用法例句
sit in the catbird seat 用作动词的意思:处于有利地位 用法及例句:I’ll sit in the catbird seat if I could hold all tlie aces.如果我能把爱司(王牌)全部掌握到手,我就可以处于有利地位了。... -
俚语sit in的意思解释和用法例句
sit in 用作动词的意思: [音乐界用语]与他人合奏(尤指同台演奏一场或临时搭档),客串演奏 用法及例句:I had the very good fortune of sitting in with him.我十分幸运与他同台演出过。... -
sit-down 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)[无业游民用语](施舍给流浪者吃的)免费餐 用法及例句:A back-door sit-down is a meal handed out for the tramp to cat on the porch. 一份由后门拿出来的免费餐是递给流浪者在走廊上吃的一顿饭。... -
sitcom的意思解释和用法例句,俚语sitcom (sitchcom的异体)
sitcom (sitchcom的异体) 用作名词的意思:电视喜剧系列片,广播连续剧 用法及例句:These sitcoms are made for juvenile minds.这些电视喜剧系列片是拍给青少年心绪的人看的。...
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