
  • 词根词缀:calyc-, calyci-, calyx-

    【来源及含义】Greek: shell; husk; cup [of a flower], used primarily in the specialized senses of "pertaining to or of a cup-shaped bodily organ or cavity"; also a reference to the "cup-shaped ring of sepals encasing a flower bud"【同源单词】ca...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:camer-

    【来源及含义】Latin: chamber; from Greek kamara, anything with a vaulted or arched cover; a vault, arched ceiling, or roof【同源单词】antechamber, astronomical camera, bicameral, camera, camera anterior bulbi, camera lucida...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:calypto-, calypt-

    【来源及含义】Greek: covered, cover; hide, hidden; conceal, concealed【同源单词】apocalypse, apocalypst, apocalyptic, apocalyptic literature, apocalyptic number, apocalyptical...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:callus-, callous-

    【来源及含义】Latin: hardened skin, thick skin; a knob【相关词根词缀】;Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving the "skin":;chorio-,cicatri- (scar),cori-,cuti-,hymen-,lepido- (scab, scale),papulo- (pimple),psoro- (itch, mange),pustu- ...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:calori-, calor-, calo-, cal-, cale-

    【来源及含义】Latin: heat, warm; related to caust【同源单词】caldron, calefacient, calefaction, calefactory, calescent, caliduction...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:calig-

    【来源及含义】Latin: darkness, dark【同源单词】caligation, caliginosity, caliginous, caliginously, caliginousness, calligrapher...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:calli-, cali-, callo-, calo-, kalli-, kali-, kalo-, kaleido-

    【来源及含义】Greek: kalos, beautiful【同源单词】calisthenic, calisthenical, calisthenics, callidentia, calligraph, calligrapher...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:calci-, calc-, calcane-, calcio-, calco-, calcar-, calx

    【来源及含义】Latin: lime, calcium; heel, bone of the tarsus; to tread [derived from calx, calcis, limestone, lime, pebble; from Greek words halix and psephos meaning "small stone, pebble"]【同源单词】a capite ad calcem, acalculia, astragaloca...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:calami-, calamit-

    【来源及含义】Latin: damage, injury, loss, misfortune, disaster, disastrous, adversity【同源单词】calamitologist, calamitous, calamitously, calamitousness, calamity, fiscalamity...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:calibra-, calibr-, caliber-

    【来源及含义】French: degree of merit or importance; diameter of a bullet, cannon-ball, etc. instrument for measuring the thickness, width, or distance through the center of a tube【同源单词】caliber, calibrate, calibrated, calibrated airspeed...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:caco-, cac-, kako-, kak-

    【来源及含义】Greek: bad, harsh, wrong, evil; incorrect; unpleasant; poor; used most of the time as a prefix【相关词根词缀】Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "bad, wrong": ;dys-,mal-,mis-,pessi...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根词缀:cad-, cas-, cid-

    【来源及含义】Latin: to fall, befall【相关词根词缀】;A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": ;aleato-,auspic-,fortu-,-mancy,serendipity,sorc-,temer-,tycho-.【同源单词】accidence,...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 后缀:-ce [副词后缀]

    后缀:-ce [副词后缀]表示“...次”、“自...”、“从...” once 一次 hence 因此,从今以后 twice 二次 thence 自那里,从那时起 thrice 三次 whence 从何处,由此...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 后缀:-cy [名词后缀]

    后缀:-cy [名词后缀]表示性质、状态、职权、官衔 normalcy 正常状态 generalcy 将军职权、任期 vacancy 空白,空虚 surgeoncy 外科医生职务 captaincy 船长的职位 colonelcy 上校衔 bankruptcy 破产 ensigncy 海军小尉衔 infancy 幼年期 idiocy 白痴,呆痴...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 前缀:counter- 反对, 相反

    counterrevolution 反革命 countermarch 反方向行进 counterattack 反攻,反击 countercurrent 逆流 countermove 反向运动 counteroffensive 反攻 counterspy 反间谍 counterblast 逆风 counterdemand 反要求 counteraction 反作用 countertrend 反潮流 counterwork 对抗行动 counterplot 反...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 前缀:contra- 反对, 相反, 相对

    contra-missle 反导弹导弹 contraposition 对照,针对 contraclockwise 逆时针方向的 contradistinction 对比的区别 contradict 反驳,相矛盾...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 前缀:col- 共同

    collaboaration 协作,勾结 collingual 用同一种语言的 collinear 在同一直线上的 collocate 并置,并列...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 词根:cycl(c) 圆, 环, 轮

    unicycle [uni单一,独,cycl轮] 独轮脚踏车 bicycle [bi-两,二,cycl轮;’两轮车”] 自行车 tricycle [tri三,cycl轮] 三轮脚踏车,三轮摩托车 auotcycle [auto-自己→自动,cycl轮→车] 摩托车,机器脚踏车 hemicycle [hemi-半,cycl圆] 半圆形,半圆形结构 cycle [cycl圆→圆周] 周期,循环,一转 cyclical [见上,-ical形容词后缀] 周期的,循...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 前缀:co- 共同

    cooperation 合作 coaction 共同行动 coeducation 男女同校 coagent 共事者 coexistence 共存,共处 co-worker 共同工作者 co-flyer 副飞行员 co-founder 共同创立者 cohabitation 同居,姘居 co-owner 共同所有人 corotation 共转 comate 同伴,伙伴 copartner 合伙人 coauthor 书的合著者之一...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22
  • 前缀:circum- 周围, 环绕

    circumplanetary 环绕行星的 circumpolar 在两极周围的 cirumfluence 周流,环流 circumaviate 环球飞行 circumlunar 环绕月球 circumposition 周围排列 circumsolar 环绕太阳的 circumnavigate 环球航行...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-22