realization values是什么意思 realization values的中文翻译、读音、例句

realization values的意思是"变现价值",作为名词时有"变现价值"的意思,单词读音音标为[realizationvalues],realization values是一个英语名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到76个与realization values相关的句子。

Realization values的中文翻译


例句:Design and Realization for the System Integration of GATS Based on ABBET (基于ABBET的通用自动测试系统集成程序的设计与实现)


realization values一般作为名词使用,如在the realization([网络] 实施情况;领悟真实)、the values([网络] 价值)、values(n. 对价值的看法, 准则, 标准, 价值观念)等常见短语中出现较多。

the realization[网络] 实施情况;领悟真实
the values[网络] 价值
valuesn. 对价值的看法, 准则, 标准, 价值观念
firmware realization[计] 固件实现
geometric realization几何实现
income realization[财]收益的实现
irreducible realization[数] 不可约实现
loss of realization[法] 变产损失
market realization市场实现


1. These values undermine the appeals of fanaticism and ignorance and, after all, the universe is mostly dark, dotted by islands of light. (翻译:科学的价值能阻止 These values undermine the appeals 狂热与无知 of fanaticism and ignorance 毕竟 and, after all,)

2. You know about realization, Wayne? (翻译:不久 你反而喜欢这样了 你了解什么叫领悟吗?)

3. The FMP model is a model that includes requirement , structure and realization. (翻译:FMP是一个涵盖需求、结构和实现的界面模型。)

4. A conspiracy to corrupt democratic values and bring about the overthrow of this nation. (翻译:前线新型战争的,冷战。A conspiracy to corrupt democratic values 阴谋败坏价值观)

5. At least one of the filter values is not a valid bitwise combination of DataGridViewElementStates values. (翻译:至少有一个筛选值不是DataGridViewElementStates值的有效按位组合。)

6. Realization of MSK modulated signals' digital demodulation. (翻译:MSK调制信号的数字化解调的实现。)

7. The Design and Realization of ATCA Shelf management and High reliability. (翻译:ATCA之机箱管理及高可靠性设计与实现。)

8. As if in a dream, a wave of realization came over him. (翻译:也不知道是梦还是现实 唯独那天小人的内心泛起了大浪)

9. The Realization of an Anti-Jamming Filter Based on EPLD (翻译:一种基于EPLD技术的抗干扰滤波器的实现)

10. It's a realization that we are the key to our own recovery. (翻译:那就是我们意识到了 经济复苏的关键 在于我们自身。)

11. we break the numerals into their individual letter values? (翻译:we break the numerals 换算成数值呢? into their individual letter values?)

12. The trainloads from the Balkans brought us to a terrible realization: (翻译:理查德. 格拉扎 我们是特雷布林卡集中营的工人)

13. Inverts the color values of a color image or the brightness values of a grayscale image. (翻译:反转彩片的颜色数值或者灰度图片的灰色数值。)

14. The broadband access technology on Ethernet and realization of PPPoE (翻译:基于以太网的宽带接入技术PPPoE及实现)

15. Making a step towards... the realization of a fulfilled tomorrow. (翻译:然后朝向明日的现实更进一步 稳健踏实连结一切的成果 往富裕的明日迈进)



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