mean delay time是什么意思 mean delay time的中文翻译、读音、例句

mean delay time通常被翻译为"平均缓发时间"的意思,还经常被翻译为平均缓发时间,发音是[meandelaytime],mean delay time是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到29个与mean delay time相关的例句。

Mean delay time的翻译


例句:SMSA Application for Online Joint Estimation of Time Delay and parameters in Nonlinear Time-varying Systems (非线性时变系统时滞和参数在线联合估计的SMSA方法)


mean delay time一般作为名词使用,如在time delay([化] 延时; 延迟)、time of delay(延迟时间)、mean time(平时, 平均时)等常见短语中出现较多。

time delay[化] 延时; 延迟
time of delay延迟时间
mean time平时, 平均时
mean access delay[通信] 平均接入迟延
digital delay time[电子] 数字延迟时间
exponential time delay指数特性时间延迟
external delay time外延迟时间
finite delay time有限延迟时间
fixed time delayun. 定时延迟 [网络] 间隔时间固定


1. You mean because you played one time in the comic book store? (翻译:就是只在漫画店演出过一次的那个乐队? You mean because you played one time in the comic book store?)

2. In your free time, I mean. (翻译:In your free time, I mean.)

3. I mean, this is the first time (翻译:我想表达的是 这是我第一次 I mean, this is the first time)

4. And we replay that to the other hand with a time delay. (翻译:这时候我们把这个移动加上某个时间延迟,在另一只手上重放)

5. Adjusting delay time and gas pressure can reduce the warpage of the part. (翻译:工艺上可以通过调整延迟时间和气体压力来减小产品的变形量。)

6. I mean, I wrote you all the time. (翻译:听我说,我一直在给你写信 I mean, I wrote you all the time.)

7. I mean, when was the last time you felt happy here? (翻译:I mean, when was the last time you felt happy here? 就在30秒前 你说这地方 Like 30 seconds ago when you said this place)

8. I.E., the fast-drop slot in a time delay vault. (翻译:即,快速降槽... ...时间延迟跳马。)

9. The delay "at the resource" is the maximun time span for the completion of a certain task at this resource. (翻译:“资源”延迟是该资源完成某一任务所需的最大时间跨度。)

10. And may I say... welcome to our grand Genovian Independence Day ball. (翻译:I apologize for the delay and)

11. Well, I mean, it is a lot closer this time. (翻译:...我们应该感到担心呢? Well, I mean, it is a lot closer this time. 唔,我想说, 这一次它近了好多。)

12. I mean, you barely escaped the judge last time. (翻译:我的意思是,你上次侥幸逃脱了法官的惩罚 I mean, you barely escaped the judge last time.)

13. Failure to provide all the necessary information at the time of lodgement will delay the application process. (翻译:若申请人递交申请时未提供要求的所有必要信息和材料将会延长审理过程。)

14. Why this delay, Miss EmanueIa? (翻译:为什么迟到,依曼纽? Why this delay, Miss EmanueIa?)

15. The HNN model considered the time delay of signal diffusion and had asymmetric weights. (翻译:HNN的连接权是非对称的,并且考虑了信号传播时延。)



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