personal rental income是什么意思 personal rental income的中文翻译、读音、例句
personal rental income通常被翻译为"个人租金收入"的意思,在英美地区还有"个人租金收入"的意思,在线发音:[personalrentalincome],personal rental income常被用作名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到64个与personal rental income相关的例句。
Personal rental income的中文翻译
例句:Personal matters like this... (这种私事... 如果你... Personal matters like this...)
personal rental income一般作为名词使用,如在rental income([经] 租金收益)、personal income([经] 个人所得, 私人所得)、discretionary personal income([经] 个人可任意支配的所得)等常见短语中出现较多。
rental income | [经] 租金收益 |
personal income | [经] 个人所得, 私人所得 |
discretionary personal income | [经] 个人可任意支配的所得 |
disposable personal income | [经] 个人可支配收入, 个人可遂意使用的收入 |
personal disposable income | 个人可支配所得 |
personal disposal income | 个人收入所得 |
personal dividend income | 个人股息收益 |
personal dividentd income | 个人股;息收入 |
personal income tax | [经] 个人所得税 |
1. The last thing in the world this is gonna be is personal. (翻译:The last thing this is gonna be is personal.)
2. cancer,medicine,personal growth,storytelling (翻译:cancer,medicine,personal growth,storytelling)
3. Trisha and I deposit all of our personal income into our necessity account. (翻译:Trisha和我把所有的个人收入都放入必需账户。)
4. Over the past few decades, rental affordability has become a widespread problem in the U. S. as rent levels grew faster than renter income. (翻译:过去的数xx年间,在美国租金涨幅远比租赁者的收入涨幅快得多,租赁者的支付能力已经变成是一个普遍的问题。)
5. personal growth,self,storytelling,success (翻译:personal growth,self,storytelling,success)
6. Before long, the goldsmith was renting every shelf in the vault and earning a small income from his vault rental business. (翻译:他们想租用保险库的空间来存放自己的钱币 和贵重物品 不久 金匠把保险库里所有的架子都租出去了 透过出租保险库他赚了一小笔钱)
7. It is absolutely not personal. (翻译:绝不是针对个人 It is absolutely not personal.)
8. Shanghai Xiangrong car rental companies to remind you when the long-term car rental must be more careful, do not believe that car rental companies at random verbal description. (翻译:上海向荣汽车租赁公司提醒大家在长期租车的时候一定要多加小心,不要随意相信汽车租赁公司的口头描述。)
9. Besides, we need my income. (翻译:另外 我们需要这份收入 Besides, we need my income.)
10. Their personal valet and trainer. (翻译:预定了豪华套房 their personal valet and trainer.)
11. This is a personal matter! (翻译:这是一件私事! Out! This is a personal matter!)
12. My own personal invention: (翻译:我的个人发明 My own personal invention:)
13. Jiari Car Rental, leading industry! (翻译:“假日”租车,领先业界! )
14. Continue to take personal inventory. (翻译:Continue to take personal inventory.)
15. - I mean whatever happened to personal loyalty? (翻译:whatever happened to personal loyalty?)