nesophontid是什么意思 nesophontid的中文翻译、读音、例句
例句:This [little snake] was kind of a tid-bit for it, what we'd call a "vadai" or a donut or something like that. (这算是它的点心, 就好像是我们的甜甜圈。)
例句:your fiercest, and your most talented. (最ne? nfricati, 和最有才华的。)
1. You can not walk in an SS uniform and say: (翻译:你不能穿着的闲逛 Tu ne peux pas te balader)
2. No actors, no gladiators, or that sort of thing, ne? (翻译:不准带演员、竞技士 或那样的人回来,好吗?)
3. We don't know what to take. (翻译:我们不知道选哪个 On ne sait pas quoi prendre)
4. Nothing comes to your mind? (翻译:你没什么要说的吗 Rien ne te vient?)
5. You never know when you may need it. (翻译:你NE V ER知道什么时候 你可能需要它。)
6. The term ID, $tid, is found using a foreach loop on the array term object array retrieved. (翻译:在获得的词汇对象数组上执行 foreach 循环,找到词汇 ID $tid。)
7. Note that this pattern of tids is dependent on this particular code's structure. (翻译:注意,这种模式的tid依赖于此特定代码的结构。)
8. Stuart's davening Ne'ilah tomorrow, right? (翻译:Stuart明天会在赎罪日 最后礼拜领读,对么?)
9. Det er ikke midnat endnu. Jeg har stadig lidt tid. (翻译:里克特先生,现在还没到午夜 我还有时间,对吧?)
10. "May I not know if I do love or hate?" (翻译:我已无力寻求 我是爱亦或恨 Ne puis)
11. That's οne lοw sοdium, and οne healthy heart meal, right? (翻译:嗯,两个特别餐一个低盐,一个健康餐,对吧?)
12. Yes, ne of my colleagues spoke to her. (翻译:是的 我有一位同事跟她谈过了 Yes, one of my colleagues spoke to her.)
13. A submari ne's only as good as its captain. (翻译:一个submari NE只是不如它的队长。)
14. So don't mess up, or you'll mess with me. (翻译:Ne le rate pas. 否则我可不会放过你 Sinon, moi, je ne te raterais pas.)
15. His performance of Ne-Yo's "so sick"... (翻译:他对Ne -Yo《So Sick》的精彩演绎)