modelling bar是什么意思 modelling bar的中文翻译、读音、例句
modelling bar的中文解释是"比例杆",其中文解释还有"比例杆"的意思,在线读音是[modellingbar],modelling bar在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到31个与modelling bar相关的例句。
Modelling bar的中文翻译
例句:Finally, the GCM modelling and the prediction of the ENSO cycles are introduced. (可以说,本文对ENSO循环的GCM模拟及其预测作了一些介绍。)
modelling bar一般作为名词使用,如在modelling(n. 模特儿职业, 立体感)、modelling on(v. 按模型制作)、dough modelling(面塑)等常见短语中出现较多。
modelling | n. 模特儿职业, 立体感 |
modelling on | v. 按模型制作 |
dough modelling | 面塑 |
dynamic modelling | 动态建模 |
evolution of modelling | 模型化的进展 |
geologic modelling | 地质模拟 |
geometric modelling | [计] 形状表示法 |
lumped modelling | [网络] 集中模拟 |
mathematical modelling | [医]数学模拟 |
1. And you've been thinking about us settling down on a boat in a big lake, with a dog and a jukebox and a 26" Sony Trinitron. (翻译:你也想要我俩共乘一条船_BAR_ _BAR_ 徜徉在大湖上)
2. The ice-cream bar is this way. (翻译:穿过Hamilton街 The ice -cream bar is this way.)
3. Vance was heckling Jay at the bar the day he was killed. (翻译:vance was heckling jay at the bar)
4. In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar. (翻译:l only had to buy one candy bar.)
5. Hello, is that the Memphis Bar and Grill? (翻译:is that the Memphis Bar and Grill?)
6. Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years. (翻译:图利奥已经为桑德拉当了xx年的模特儿。)
7. This 1970 Dodge Challenger pulled up across the street. (翻译:在xx年_BAR_ _BAR_ 戴尔瑞格利警官)
8. She began modelling in Paris at age 15. (翻译:她xx岁就开始在巴黎当时装模特儿。)
9. Paranoid schizophrenic, he walks into a bar... (翻译:he walks into a bar...)
10. - You could take it at the bar. (翻译:- I do? - You could take it at the bar.)
11. BPMN is currently adopted as a modelling notation. (翻译:BPMN目前被作为一种建模符号使用。)
12. Where have I heard that name before? (翻译:Christopher Bar 我在哪听过这个名字?)
13. - A bar mitzvah. Let's go. (翻译:泰姬陵 走吧 {3cH202020}A bar mitzvah.)
14. Maybe we met before. - Drunk, out at a bar somewhere. (翻译:out at a bar or somewhere.)
15. ♪ Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard ♪ (翻译:♪Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard♪)