overpackage是什么意思 overpackage的中文翻译、读音、例句
例句:Hey, got a package for you. (有你的快递 Hey, got a package for you.)
例句:Over rocks that are the steepest (over rocks that are the steepest)
1. I need a full surveillance package. (翻译:我需要监视一个人 I need a full surveillance package.)
2. - Package for Robert Garfield. (翻译:-罗伯特·加菲尔德的包裹 - 我就是 -Package for Robert Garfield.)
3. The configuration is then mapped to a variable in the child package, or to the property of an object in the child package. (翻译:然后将配置映射到子包中的某个变量,或映射到子包中某个对象的属性。)
4. - the plates are the package. - Yeah? (翻译:模板就在包裹里 The plates are the package.)
5. Aaron Gage didn't waste any time sending over a severance package. (翻译:艾伦・盖奇没有浪费任何时间 发送过离职。)
6. Over and over again that day, People from the beta test at craft (翻译:那天 参加CRAFT试用的 Over and over again that day,)
7. So I can find the package. (翻译:这样我才能找出包裹 So I can find the package.)
8. What are you doing out of a package? (翻译:你怎么在包装外面? 快到独立日了 What are you doing out of a package?)
9. Shit, HK is over-populated (翻译:HK is over -populated)
10. I brought you a little care package from work. (翻译:我从公司给你带了爱的包裹 I brought you a little care package from work.)
11. You saw the package was delivered to, uh, Zack Fisk, so you went over there and confronted him, huh? (翻译:你看到包裹是寄给Zack Fish的 所以你去了那里找他 对吗?)
12. The package is on the plane. (翻译:{fnMicrosoft YaHeifs202cHFFFFFF0}那个背包就在飞机上 {fnMicrosoft YaHeifs142cHFFFFFF0}The package is on the plane.)
13. Icepak Ice package? (翻译:冰包、冰雹? )
14. That plane cannot takeoff, with the package on it. (翻译:with the package on it.)
15. You have to get the heart, then all of this will be over. (翻译:then all of this will be over.)