rus in urbe是什么意思 rus in urbe的中文翻译、读音、例句
rus in urbe通常被翻译为"网络、城中的田地"的意思,还有都市中的田园的意思,在线读音是[rusinurbe],rus in urbe在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到42个与rus in urbe相关的例句。
Rus in urbe的翻译
例句:And Rus Hoelzel came up with an effective population size: 8,200 animals. (Rus Hoelzel得出一个有效的姥鲨数量 8200条)
例句:Painting in the Old Rus appeared and developed in close connection with icon venerating, based on the doctrine of God's incarnation. (在旧罗斯绘画出现和发展与修行图标的密切联系,根据神的化身的教义。)
例句:But even more interestingly, if we continue decrypting, we'll find this mysterious string, which says O600KO78RUS. (但是更有趣的是 如果我们继续解密 我们将发现一串奇怪的 叫做O600KO78RUS的代码 )
rus in urbe一般作为名词使用,如在urbe([地名] [意大利] 乌尔贝)、rus(abbr. 俄罗斯(Russian );收件人更新服务(Recipient Update Service))、Rus'([网络] 罗斯;罗斯人;基辅罗斯)等常见短语中出现较多。
urbe | [地名] [意大利] 乌尔贝 |
rus | abbr. 俄罗斯(Russian );收件人更新服务(Recipient Update Service) |
Rus' | [网络] 罗斯;罗斯人;基辅罗斯 |
Kiev Rus | 罗斯 |
Kievan Rus | [网络] 基辅罗斯;基辅罗斯国;基辅俄罗斯 |
Kievan Rus' | [网络] 基辅罗斯;和之后成为基辅罗斯;基辅罗斯公国 |
porites rus | 联合微孔珊瑚 |
Rus. | abbr. Russia;Russian |
1. But even more interestingly, if we continue decrypting, we'll find this mysterious string, which says O600KO78RUS. (翻译:但是更有趣的是 如果我们继续解密 我们将发现一串奇怪的 叫做O600KO78RUS的代码 )
2. But even more interestingly, if we continue decrypting, we'll find this mysterious string, which says O600KO78RUS. (翻译:但是更有趣的是 如果我们继续解密 我们将发现一串奇怪的 叫做O600KO78RUS的代码)
3. And if you actually take a look at the scene picture, you can see that the plate of the Mercedes is O600KO78RUS. (翻译:如果你看下现场的照片 你可以看见奔驰车的车牌 是O600KO78RUS)
4. And we have a couple of Russian guys in our labs, and one of them mentioned, well, it ends in RUS like Russia. (翻译:我们实验室有几个俄罗斯的人 他们其中一个提到 恩,结尾字母RUS可能代表俄罗斯)
5. And you can actually see that the license plate of the Samara ends in 78RUS. (翻译:你可以很清楚的看见被撞车的车牌 以78RUS结尾 )
6. In the Langata Forest some of their favourite food shrubs - Rus natalensis -has died owing to drought. (翻译:在兰加塔森林,它们最爱吃的灌木植物Rusnatalensis也因为干旱枯萎了。)
7. And if you actually take a look at the scene picture, you can see that the plate of the Mercedes is O600KO78RUS. (翻译:如果你看下现场的照片 你可以看见奔驰车的车牌 是O600KO78RUS )
8. And you can actually see that the license plate of the Samara ends in 78RUS. (翻译:你可以很清楚的看见被撞车的车牌 以78RUS结尾)
9. So you can actually estimate the population size based on the diversity of the genetics. (翻译:所以你可以估算出实际的数量 根据基因遗传多样性 Rus Hoelzel得出一个有效的姥鲨数量 )
10. And we have a couple of Russian guys in our labs, and one of them mentioned, well, it ends in RUS like Russia. (翻译:我们实验室有几个俄罗斯的人 他们其中一个提到 恩,结尾字母RUS可能代表俄罗斯 )