mast tie是什么意思 mast tie的中文翻译、读音、例句
mast tie的中文解释是"桅杆架",还经常被翻译为桅杆架,读音为[masttie],mast tie来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到22个与mast tie相关的例句。
Mast tie的释义
例句:Tommy Tye tried to tie his tie but tugging too tight tore his tie. (汤米泰依试着系他的领带,但是用力太大拉坏了他的领带。)
mast tie一般作为名词使用,如在mast(桅杆 )、tie(带子)、in a tie(以平局的方式,(比赛)打成平局)等常见短语中出现较多。
mast | 桅杆 |
tie | 带子 |
in a tie | 以平局的方式,(比赛)打成平局 |
in tie of | 支持,拥护 |
tie for | 并列获得 |
tie in | 结合成一体, 相配, 有联系 |
tie in with | (使)跟…相符; 跟…连接起来 |
tie into | 猛烈进攻, 大吃, 猛击 |
tie on | (把…)系在身上〔他物上〕 |
1. 'HORN MAST' locked, opening basinet, face open! (翻译:桅角固定,打开头盔,脸部打开! )
2. Headsail: the sail in front of the mast. (翻译:前帆:桅杆前面的帆。)
3. Hey, a shirt with sleeves, and a tie. (翻译:衬衫加领带 真不错吗 Hey, a shirt with sleeves, and a tie.)
4. Sold me the most beautiful tie. (翻译:卖给了我最漂亮的领带 sold me the most beautiful tie.)
5. When the mast are ready to be laid down, release the front guy lines and the back guy lines, then disconnect the mast from A-frame. (翻译:具备下放井架条件后,依次拆除井架前绷绳、后绷绳和井架与人字架的连接固定装置。)
6. Could tie sheets to the end. (翻译:可以把床单绑在一头 Could tie sheets to the end.)
7. He does not tie up the bathroom. (翻译:他不占用卫生间 He does not tie up the bathroom.)
8. He climbs the mast... Then he falls down! (翻译:他爬上桅杆……然后他掉下来了! )
9. Unless he was going to tie-Dye everything? (翻译:除非他打算把所有东西都烧了 unless he was going to tie -dye everything?)
10. Well, there's a lot of blood at the murders. (翻译:过来 Come here. 我给你系鞋带 Let me tie your s.)
11. The TIE fighter design was first established in a concept model by Colin Cantwell. (翻译:TIE战斗机的设计初建于科林·坎特韦尔的概念模型。)
12. Feels like she wanted to tie us up. (翻译:好像要把我们困在这里 Feels like she wanted to tie us up.)
13. Apoptosis of human mast cells induced by tripterine in nasal polyps (翻译:雷公藤红素诱导人鼻息肉肥大细胞凋亡及机制)
14. kantai can tie a tie, if kantai can tie a tie why can't i tie a tie? (翻译:kantai会系领带,如果kantai会系领带,为什么我不会系领带?)
15. What is it that makes yse mast ts hurt hary (翻译:你为什么整天都想着要害她 What is it that makes yse mast ts hurt hary)