sciot是什么意思 sciot的中文翻译、读音、例句
例句:You get lots ot crazies when something like this happens. (现在一定有很多疯子 打电话给你们 所以我才提这一点)
sciot一般作为名词使用,如在Sciot([网络] Sci)等常见短语中出现较多。
Sciot | [网络] Sci |
1. That you weren't serious about ot wanting to renegotiate, that you're upset... (翻译:你是不是认真的 加时赛想重新谈判, 你是心烦意乱..)
2. Just wanted to check out the new toys from sci-tech. (翻译:我就想查看一下科研部发明的新设备 Just wanted to check out the new toys from Sci)
3. The continuous education was conaidered asea linking point of sci - tech and economy. (翻译:过去一般将继续教育看成是科技与经济的连接点。)
4. Otto kunzli famously made a rubber bracelet concealing a gold ball inside. (翻译:Ot to kunzli因制作了内部藏了金球的橡胶手镯而出名。)
5. Conclusion FIM can objectively reflect the ADL level in SCI patients with different lesion level and completeness. (翻译:结论FIM评分可客观反映不同损伤平面、不同损伤程度SCI患者的ADL状况。)
6. What is OT feedback from TMR of other team according to your understanding? (翻译:据你的了解,其他团队的员工对加班的反馈是)
7. You mean, like the micro-explosive that's implanted Subdermally in your carotid When you were all knocked out? (翻译:你的意思是超级小土狼 我们偷偷安装在OT她的背,)
8. Whereas these members of a pair go "wo-ot, wo-ot, wo-ot." (翻译:然而另一对的两个成员拥有的升调是”wo-ot, wo-ot, wo-ot“ )
9. So, what other sci-fi writers are you into? (翻译:那么,你还对哪些其它的科幻小说家感兴趣?)
10. Even after his incredulous reaction to O. T. III, he continued to "move up" the Bridge. (翻译:甚至在对OT三产生怀疑之后,他仍继续在“完全自由之桥”上“提升”。)
11. But even in a sci-fi movie Solaris Tarkovsky was concerned with totally different issues. (翻译:就算是在《索拉里斯》里头, 塔尔夫斯基要探讨的东西也是截然不同的)
12. Janet Polanyi, Cal-Sci undergrad. September 2005. (翻译:珍妮特・波兰尼 计算科学学生 xx年xx月拍的)
13. You get a piece of turkey on your fork, a little cranberry sauce and a T ot! (翻译:弄点火鸡肉在叉子上,配上点蓝莓,还有塔特酒!)
14. This model suits OTTO LINK STMs tenor mouthpieces. (翻译:此型号适合OT TO LINK金属次中音吹嘴使用。)
15. They're looking for a high concept sci-fi for a summer release. (翻译:他们正在为暑期档 寻找高智商科幻 他们觉得你的构思会引起轰动)