raise money是什么意思 raise money的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:raise money 意指筹集资金


词组搭配:raise money for (为…筹集资金), raise money from (从…中筹集资金), raise enough money (筹集足够的资金)


发音拼写:/reɪz ˈmʌni/


1. We need to raise money to buy new equipment for the sports team. (我们需要筹集资金为运动队购买新设备。)

2. The charity event raised a significant amount of money for the orphanage. (慈善活动为孤儿院筹集了大量资金。)

3. The company is raising money from investors to finance its expansion plans. (公司正在从投资者中筹集资金来支持其扩张计划。)

4. The school organized a fundraiser to raise money for the student council. (学校组织了一次筹款活动,为学生会筹集资金。)

5. The political campaign raised millions of dollars in donations to finance the candidate's election bid. (竞选通过捐款筹集了数百万美元资金为候选人的选举竞选提供资金。)

6. The non-profit organization is constantly trying to raise enough money to support its programs. (非盈利组织一直在努力筹集足够的资金来支持其项目。)

7. The community came together to raise money for the local hospital's new maternity ward. (社区团结起来为当地医院的新产科筹集资金。)


读音:rāise méi ni


1. The school is trying to raise money for its new library. (学校正在尝试筹集资金建设新图书馆。)

2. We need to raise money for the charity event this weekend. (我们需要为这周末的慈善活动筹集资金。)

3. The company has decided to raise money through a public offering. (公司决定通过公开发行方式筹集资金。)

raise money的中文解释是"斗份子、筹款",其次还有"筹钱"的意思,读音为[raisemoney],raise money常被用作名词,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到97个与raise money相关的例句。

Raise money的词典翻译


例句:The FDIC can raise more money from its member banks. (联邦存款保险公司可以从他的会员银行处筹集更多资金。)


例句:And then, if they're able, they may raise money to help communities in other parts of the world. (然后,如果他们能干,他们可以筹集资金 帮助世界上其它地区的社区 )


例句:If you want to raise the capital, give me the money now before I leave (如果你要加本钱的话 这两天就把钱给我 省得让你等啦)


例句:You need money. I get that. But Winter can raise a lot of money. (翻译:你需要钱,我能办到,Winter能获得很多钱)


raise money一般作为名词使用,如在raise money for(为…募捐)、raise money on([经] 以...作抵押来筹款)、raise to(提到; 提升到)等常见短语中出现较多。

raise money for为…募捐
raise money on[经] 以...作抵押来筹款
raise to提到; 提升到
to raise加赌注
for ... moneyna. 为钱;【商业】直接[现款]交易 [网络] 为了钱;以金钱为代价;现款交易
for money现款交易的 [经] 现款交易
for the money照所付的代价
in the money在富裕境遇中, 资金充裕, 赌胜 [经] 资金充裕


1. If you want to raise the capital, give me the money now before I leave (翻译:如果你要加本钱的话 这两天就把钱给我 省得让你等啦)

2. You need money. I get that. But Winter can raise a lot of money. (翻译:你需要钱,我能办到,Winter能获得很多钱)

3. Well, I will see your crazy and raise you some. (翻译:I will see your crazy and raise you some.)

4. Spend money to raise mone. (翻译:舍得花钱去筹到更多的资金。)

5. The Federation would raise money off of my back and funnel it to Reshevsky. (翻译:联赛从我身上收钱,反手去资助雷谢夫斯基。)

6. We'd raise more money if people understood what goes on over there. (翻译:你可知在这筹款 有什么大困难? 人们不明白发生什么事)

7. And it was hard to raise the money -- hundreds of companies wouldn't sponsor us. (翻译:当时筹集资金确实是个大难题—— 数百家公司拒绝了我们。)

8. # And we will raise our hands (翻译:# And we will raise our hands)

9. Whitmore likes to trot me out when they want to raise money. (翻译:Whitmore想筹钱的时候 就把我拿出来)

10. - It's a terrific way to raise money. (翻译:- LT是一个舞蹈。- LT是筹钱一个了不起的方式。)

11. - You don't talk about her - What do you want to hear? (翻译:Did you just raise your eyebrow?)

12. We can raise the money ourselves. (翻译:等等。我们能保住房子, 我们可以自己去筹措这笔钱。)

13. The company may relaunch the deal but attempt to raise less money. (翻译:该公司可能重启IPO,不过可能会缩减筹资规模。)

14. And then, if they're able, they may raise money to help communities in other parts of the world. (翻译:然后,如果他们能干,他们可以筹集资金 帮助世界上其它地区的社区)

15. Just trying to raise enough money to buy a pony. (翻译:我们要攒钱买一匹小马 Just trying to raise enough money to buy a pony.)



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