make a noise是什么意思 make a noise的中文翻译、读音、例句

以下是我对'make a noise'的说明和例句:

1. 意思:发出声音或噪音,制造噪音

2. 词性:动词短语

3. 用法:可用于描述物体,声音或人的行为

4. 同义词:make a sound, create a commotion, disturb, cause a racket, disrupt

5. 反义词:keep quiet, stay silent, stay still


1. The children in the claoom were a lot of noise, so the teacher asked them to be quiet.(教室里的孩子们制造很多噪音,所以老师要求他们保持安静。)

2. The loud music from the party was a noise that disturbed the neighbors.(派对上的大声音乐制造了噪音,打扰了邻居。)

3. Please be careful not to make a noise when you close the door.(请注意在关门时不要发出声音。)

4. The construction work outside is a lot of noise, which makes it difficult for me to concentrate on my work.(外面的施工制造了很多噪音,使我难以集中精力工作。)

5. The baby in the next room is crying and a lot of noise.(隔壁房间的宝宝哭泣,制造了很多噪音。)


读音:meɪk ə nɔɪz


1. Please don't make a noise. I'm trying to concentrate.(请不要发出噪音,我在集中注意力。)

2. The children were a lot of noise in the playground.(孩子们在操场上制造了很多噪音。)

3. The fireworks made a loud noise that ecd across the city.(烟花制造了一个回响在整个城市的响亮噪音。)

make a noise的意思是"发出声响、扬名",其次还有"发出噪声"的意思,发音音标为[makeanoise],make a noise来源于英语,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到83个与make a noise相关的句子。

Make a noise的中文翻译


例句:If you make some noise you can feel the effect. (如果你制造一些噪音,你就能感受到这个效果 )


例句:Ladies and gentlemen, if you love Phil and Alison, make some noise! (女士们,先生们, 如果你喜欢菲尔和Alison, 欢呼!)


例句:Now, we made a lot of noise. (我们搞出了很大动静 Now, we made a lot of noise.)


例句:- Everyone go to the end of the shelf, make as much noise as you can. (翻译:- 什么? - 所有人都到货架尾端去 尽量制造噪音)


make a noise一般作为名词使用,如在make no noise(不发出闹声)、make noise(噪)、make some noise([网络] 制造噪音;制造些噪音;制造一些噪音吧)等常见短语中出现较多。

make no noise不发出闹声
make noise
make some noise[网络] 制造噪音;制造些噪音;制造一些噪音吧
in make在制造上;在体格上
make ... intona. 制成;使转变为 [网络] 使成为;把……制成;做成
make ... ofna. “make certain”的变体 [网络] 了解;理解;对待
make a will[法] 立遗嘱
make as if假装


1. Now, we made a lot of noise. (翻译:我们搞出了很大动静 Now, we made a lot of noise.)

2. - Everyone go to the end of the shelf, make as much noise as you can. (翻译:- 什么? - 所有人都到货架尾端去 尽量制造噪音)

3. Okay, let's make some noise. Try to distract them. (翻译:好的,让我们制造一些噪音, 试图引开他们)

4. We make so much noise that the issue cannot be ignored or misunderstood. (翻译:我们的呼喊声 响亮到让这个问题 无法被忽略或误解。)

5. We keep noise to a minimum. (翻译:我们把声音降到最低 We keep noise to a minimum.)

6. -I think we gonna make us some noise. (翻译:我想我们得搞点大响动 I think we gonna make us some noise.)

7. All that noise made it harder to make the right decisions. (翻译:所有那些噪音会使我们更难 做出正确的决定。)

8. Make some noise for the people's champ Jake the Tank! (翻译:给这个常胜军 热情的欢呼... ...坦克阿杰!)

9. All that noise could distract them. (翻译:那些噪音会引开行尸群的 All that noise could distract them.)

10. # East High boys Let's make some noise (翻译:{fn方正粗倩简体fs12an81cHFFFF000}东高男孩 炒热全场)

11. Making a funny noise in his throat. (翻译:他喉咙里发出奇怪的声音 Making a funny noise in his throat.)

12. 2nd. the brides can't make any noise. (翻译:二: 所有准新娘不准发出任 何声音,违例者当弃权论)

13. However, it is true that it's only a few neurons that make all the noise. (翻译:不过 只有几个神经元在进行全部活动 这倒是真的)

14. The young ones make a lot of noise, then they get sleepy and hungry. (翻译:年轻的女孩很会制造噪音, 她们很会睡又很会吃)

15. You make a noise, he gets out of bed to see what the problem is and you make him dead, okay? (翻译:你弄出点响声,他起床查看怎么回事... 然后你就杀死他,ok?)



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