psqi是什么意思 psqi的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:PSQI是指医学中的睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index),旨在评估睡眠质量的工具。




发音拼写:PSQI读作 /piː es kjuː aɪ/


1. The PSQI is a standardized questionnaire that is used to evaluate sleep quality among adults. (PSQI是一种标准问卷,用于评估成年人的睡眠质量。)

2. Research has shown that the PSQI is a reliable and valid tool for sing sleep quality in various populations. (研究表明,PSQI是评估不同人群睡眠质量的可靠和有效的工具。)

3. Partints in the study completed the PSQI to s their sleep quality over the past month. (研究参与者填写PSQI以评估他们过去一个月的睡眠质量。)

4. The PSQI consists of 19 questions that are divided into seven components, including sleep duration, sleep distces, and daytime dysfunction. (PSQI包括19个问题,分为七个组成部分,包括睡眠时间,睡眠障碍和日间功能障碍。)

5. A score of 5 or higher on the PSQI is indicative of poor sleep quality. (PSQI得分为5或更高的人表示他们的睡眠质量较差。)

6. The PSQI has been translated into multiple languages and is used in clinical and research settings worldwide. (PSQI已被翻译成多种语言,在全球的临床和研究环境中得到应用。)

7. Healthcare providers may use the PSQI to identify sleep-related problems and develop appropriate treatment plans. (医疗保健提供者可以使用PSQI来识别与睡眠有关的问题并制定适当的治疗计划。)

PSQI的中文翻译是“匹兹堡睡眠质量指数”,读音为pǐ zhuō shuì mián zhì liàng zhǐ shù。例句:医生使用PSQI测量患者的睡眠质量以帮助诊断睡眠障碍。




例句:So run ps eww 106896 for example. (比如可以运行ps eww 106896。)


例句:Vacuum effect is good or bad depends on PS plate and film is-dening. (真空成果的长长给看PS版与胶卷之间是否不稀疏。)


例句:At last, Suggestions for improving the makeup reliability of PSC connection are put forward. (对关于提高PS C接头上扣可靠性问题提出几点建议。)


1. At last, Suggestions for improving the makeup reliability of PSC connection are put forward. (翻译:对关于提高PS C接头上扣可靠性问题提出几点建议。)

2. We'll really think about what psi means. (翻译:我们要想一想ps i真正的意义。)

3. Ps 78: 43 How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan, Ps 78: 44 And had turned their rivers into blood; (翻译:诗78:43他怎样在埃及地显神迹,在琐安田显奇事,诗78:44把他们的江河并河汊的水都变为血,使他们不能喝。)

4. To run ps, bash forks to create a new process; the new process reincarnates itself using execution, turning into a new instance of ps. (翻译:为了运行ps,bash会分叉,创建一个新进程;新进程通过使用执行,使其本身得以重生,转化为ps的一个新的实例。)

5. Your American friend, Max Jerry Horowitz. PS. (翻译:你的美国朋友 Max Jerry Horowitz)

6. Of course you could just convert any existing video file to play on your PSP. (翻译:当然你可以只是转换现有的视频文件在PS P上面播放。)

7. Want a bigger PlayStation 3 hard drive? (翻译:想要一个更大的PS 3硬盘吗? )

8. Fuji film company in recent years on the pS version, this improved version known as the Super-leading V pS Series pS Edition of the "VG" . (翻译:日本胶片公司近几年来对普通pS版进行了重大改进,把这种改进型pS版称为超前V系列pS版《VG》。)

9. PS image was helpful to define the tumoral outline and find small tumor. (翻译:PS图有助于肿瘤范围的准确界定和发现小病灶。)

10. PS, this is where you live? (翻译:另外 你就住这? PS, this is where you live?)

11. Conclusion: Among the complex syndrome types, stagnancy of qi and blood stasis, retention of dampness and stagnation of qi were most common. (翻译:结论:中医小肠病复合证型中,气滞血瘀证、湿阻气滞证较常见。)

12. Turning to the ps-psy-psychiatrists' report. (翻译:再来看精... 精... 精神科医生的报告.)

13. - At Siruiying Elementary I was Teacher Qi. (翻译:武六就是容不得别人在她面前吹牛撒谎 我也只能眼巴巴地看着她们)

14. Next, to verify that the nweb server is running, use the ps command to check it (翻译:接下来,为验证nweb服务器正在运行,可使用ps命令来对它进行检查。)

15. Are you going to the Qi Xi Festival? (翻译:你要参加七夕么? Are you going to the Qi Xi Festival?)



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