
  • 词根词缀:pulpo-, pulp-, pulpi-

    【来源及含义】Latin: flesh, meat, fleshy parts of the body; fruit pulp; used mostly in reference to the tissue that exists in a tooth【同源单词】pulp, pulpal, pulpalgia, pulpation, pulpatoon, pulpectomy...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:pulmo-, pulmoni-, pulmono-, pulmon-, -pulmonary, -pulmonic

    【来源及含义】Latin: lung, lungs【同源单词】apulmonic, apulmonism, gastropulmonic, intrapulmonic, pulmoaortic, pulmocardiac...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:puls-, pulsi-, -pulsion, -pulsive

    【来源及含义】Latin: push, beat, strike, knock, drive; drive to, force toward【相关词根词缀】;Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "push, shove, thrust": ;osmo-,pel-,trud-.【同源单词】appulse, appulsive, appu...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:pulchri-

    【来源及含义】Latin: beautiful; pulchritudo, from pulcher【同源单词】Bonitas, Pulchra terra Dei donum, pulchritude, pulchritudinous, Pulchritudo et salubritas, Sat pulchra si sat bona...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:pulic-, puli-

    【来源及含义】Latin: flea【同源单词】Pulex, pulicaris, pulicatic, pulicene, pulicicide, pulicid...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:pugn-, pug-, pugil-

    【来源及含义】Latin: to fight, to fight against, to strike, to puncture; a point; fist, handful【同源单词】dementia pugilistica, expugn, impugn, impugnable, impugner, impugnment...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:puer-

    【来源及含义】Latin: boy, child【同源单词】puer aeternus, puerice, puericulture, puericulturist, puerile, puerilely...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:publi-, pub-

    【来源及含义】Latin: people, belonging to the people, concerning people, population【相关词根词缀】Related "people, human" word units: ;anthropo-,demo-,ethno-,ochlo-; ;popu-.【同源单词】ludi publici, Non tua te moveant, Per scientiam ad salutem public...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:puber-, pubo-, pub-, pubio-

    【来源及含义】Latin: adult, mature; sign of maturity, especially the growth of pubic hair; extended to mean the "pubic bone"【同源单词】epipubes, impuberal, impuberty, os pubis, postpuberal, postpubertal...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:pudend-, puden-, pudic-

    【来源及含义】Latin: originally, "that which one should be ashamed of"; the external organs of generation; from pudere "to cause shame".【同源单词】digitus impudicus, impudence, impudent, impudently, impudicity, Mimosa pudica...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:ptomato-, ptomat-, pto-, -ptosia, -ptosis, -ptoma, -ptot-

    【来源及含义】Greek: fall, a falling down of an organ; drooping, sagging; corpse【同源单词】apoptosis, asymptomatic, asymptote, asymptotic, asymptotical, blepharoptosis...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:ptilo-, ptil-, ptilono-

    【来源及含义】Greek: feather [soft], down【相关词根词缀】;Related "feather, feather-like; soft down, plumage" word units:;penna-,pinni-, pin-,plum-, -plume,pterido-,ptero-.【同源单词】cryptoptile, haploptile, mesoptile, metaptile, neossoptile, protopt...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:ptyalo-, ptyal-, ptya-, pty-

    【来源及含义】Greek: spittle, salivia; salivary gland【相关词根词缀】Other related saliva and/or spittle units: ;salivo-; ;sialo-; ;sput-.【同源单词】aptyalism, glycoptyalismm glycosialia, hyperptyalism, hypoptyalism, oligoptyalism, pseudoptyalism...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:ptocho-, ptoch-

    【来源及含义】Greek: a person who crouches; than extended to a beggar, poor; paupers; modernized meanings: street people, homeless, vagrant, living in poverty【同源单词】ptochocracy, ptochocrat, ptochogony, ptochoist, ptochologist, ptochology...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23
  • 词根词缀:ptero-, pter-, -ptera, -pteron, -pteryx, -ptery, -pterous

    【来源及含义】Greek: feather; wing, winglike【相关词根词缀】;Related "feather, feather-like; soft down, plumage" word units:;penna-,pinni-, pin-,plum-, -plume,pterido-,ptilo-.【同源单词】Aphaniptera, apterex, apteria, apterous, apteryx, Archaeopteryx...
    9144590 词根学习 2024-08-23