俚语You couldn’t have knocked me over with a feather的意思解释和用法例句
You couldn’t have knocked me over with a feather(美国俚语)我完全感到意外或谈惊 用法及例句:You couldn’t have knocked me over with a feather. I was so zapped!我完全没有想到,我就这么被打败了!... -
俚语You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs的意思解释和用法例句
You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. (谚语)不打破鸡蛋,煎不出蛋饼。有失才有得。... -
You can’t win them all的意思解释和用法例句,俚语You can’t win them (或’em) all
You can’t win them (或’em) all(美国俚语)(常用于对失败者的安慰)没有常胜不败的蠃家。胜败乃兵家常亊 用法及例句:Don’t fret about it,Tom. You can’t win’em all.汤姆,别为这亊苦恼。胜败乃兵家常事。... -
俚语You can’t fight city hall.的意思解释和用法例句
You can’t fight city hall.(美国俚语)你要跟官府对着干,那是白费心机。明知必败却偏要打,这太愚了 用法及例句:You can’t fight cily hall. Pay the parking ticket and forget it.你跟警方对着干没有好处。把违章停车伶罚款付掉就算了。 I finally gave up. You can’t fight city hall. 最后我放弃了... -
俚语You can’t get there from here.的意思解释和用法例句
You can’t get there from here.(美国俚语) 1.那地方天涯海角远着呢 用法及例句:Adamsville? Sorry,you can’t get there from here.亚当斯城吗?对不起,那地方可远着呐 2.这个问题没法解决 用法及例句:You forgot it. You can’ t get there from here.你别提啦。这个问题没法解决。... -
You bet your sweet patoot !的意思解释和用法例句,俚语You bet your sweet patoot (ie)!
You bet your sweet patoot (ie)! (美国俚语)你可以绝对肯定! 用法及例句:I’ll be there!You bet your sweet patoot!我会去的!这是毫无疑问的!... -
俚语You can say that again!的意思解释和用法例句
You can say that again!(美国俚语)绝对正确!我完全同意你的活! 用法及例句:You can say that again! It’s really hot!我完全同意!的确很热!... -
You better believe it!的意思解释和用法例句,俚语You (或You had,You’d) better believe it!
You (或You had,You’d) better believe it!(美国俚语)毫无问题,那是千真万确的!那还用问,当然是! 用法及例句:Yes, this is the best, you better believe it!对,这是最好的,毫无问题,这是千真万确的! Am I ready to fight? You’d better believe it!问我是不是准备战斗?这还用问,当然是!... -
俚语You bet your sweet life!的意思解释和用法例句
You bet your sweet life!(美国俚语)你完全正确! 用法及例句:You bet your sweet life. I am glad!对,我是很高兴!... -
俚语You bet your boots!的意思解释和用法例句
You bet your boots!(美国俚语)你可以完全肯定! 你说得对! 用法及例句:Am I happy? You bet your boots!我开心不开心?这还用说嘛! You bet your boots. I’m mad.你说得对,我是疯了。... -
You and who else?的意思解释和用法例句,俚语You and who else? (=You and what army?)
You and who else? (=You and what army?)(美国俚语)(威胁)除了你还有谁?不是你还有谁? 用法及例句:You’re gonna harass me? You and who else?你打算要整我吗?除了你还有谁想整我? You and what army are gonna give me a hard time?不是你还有谁想叫我日子不好过呢?... -
俚语You bet =you betcha的意思解释和用法例句
You bet =you betcha. 当然!不错!肯定行! 用法及例句:You bet I’ll be there!不用问,我然当要去的! You bet! Il’s all settled.不错!全解决了。 A: Can I? B: You betcha! 甲:我行吗? 乙:肯定行!... -
york(美国俚语)v.呕吐 用法及例句:He ate the stuff, then went straight out and yorked.他吃了这玩意儿,后来就直接跑出去吐了。n呕吐,呕吐物 用法及例句:Is that york I see on the living room window?我看见起居室窗的那东西是不是呕吐物?... -
俚语You asked for it!的意思解释和用法例句
You asked for it!(美国俚语)有求必应!准会有的! 用法及例句:So,you wanted to hear both sides of the record? You asked for it!这么说,这张唱片你本来想两面都听吗?一定给你听!... -
yonks 用作名词的意思:很长一段时间,表示长久地(主要for连用) 用法及例句:Nicholas Bagnall and David Holtoway talked for yonks into the night. 尼古拉斯·巴格纳尔和大卫 ?霍洛韦长谈到深夜。...