俚语street people的意思解释和用法例句
street people 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)漂泊街头、无家可归的人 (如流浪的嬉皮士、捡破烂的女人等) 用法及例句:Some of the street people prefer that kind of life. 有些漂泊街头的人很喜欢过那种生活。... -
streeter 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)城市里的流落街头者 用法及例句:These streeters have to be bright and clever just to survive.这些在城市里流离失所的人必须头脑灵活、聪明才能继续生存下去。... -
street-casting 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)业余表演或模特儿爱好者的评选活动 用法及例句:I do a lot of street-casting. Almost everybody can act a liltle.我参加过好多次业余表演爱好者的评选活动。几乎每个人都能小小地露上一手。... -
street的意思解释和用法例句,俚语(the) street
(the) street 用作名词的意思: 1.(美国俚语)[监狱用语]监狱外面的天地,释放出狱,自由 用法及例句:The street just isn’t the same as stir.监狱外面的天地就是跟监狱不一样。 The jury believed him and he was altowed to return to the slreet.陪审团相信了他的活,于是他就获释出狱。 2. (the Street)(美国俚语)(纽... -
streak streak用法一 用作动词的意思:l. 飞奔.疾驰 用法及例句:I’ve got to streak over to the library in a big hurry.我不得不飞快跑到图书馆。 The train streaked away.列车疚驶而去。 2. (在公共场所)裸体奔跑 用法及例句:This kid was streaking back and forth until the cops caught hi... -
streaker 用作名词的意思: (在公共场所)赤身裸体奔跑的人 用法及例句:She complained that several streakers marred her view of the campus.她说有几个人在校园了赤身裸体跑歩污损了她的观胆,对此她颇为不满。... -
俚语straw hat的意思解释和用法例句
straw hat 用作名词及形容词的意思:(美国俚语)夏季露天剧场(的)a new play that’s at a straw hat 一出在夏日露天剧场上演的戏 a straw-hat theater (郊区或乡镇的)夏季剧院,(在各地巡回演出的)夏日剧团... -
straw-cat 用作名词的意思: (美国俚语)农业季节的收割工 用法及例句:He’s just another working straw-cat like me. 他也不过是跟我一样的一个农业季节收割工。... -
俚语straw boss的意思解释和用法例句
straw boss 用作名词的意思: (美国俚语)工头,领班,工头的助T手,二把手 用法及例句:The straw boss gave order, and off we went.工头一下命令,我们就出发。n don’t mind being a straw boss as tong as they pay me. 只要他们给我钱,我不在乎当二把手。... -
strawberry 用作名词的意思: (嗜酒造成的)酒糟鼻,鼻子上的丘疹 用法及例句:His nose had turned to the characteristic boozer’s strawberry.他的鼻子已经变成典型的酗酒者的酒糟鼻了。... -
straw 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.大麻 用法及例句:This straw is not the best quality I’ve seen.这大麻不是我见过的最优质的货色。 2.卷大麻香烟用的纸片 用法及例句:I can’t manage the straw with one hand. How do these cowboys do it?我可不会光用一只手卷大麻烟纸片。这些牛仔是怎么卷的?... -
strapped 用作名词的意思:(美国俚语)破产了的,身无分文的,拮椐的,银根很紧的 用法及例句:He happens to he strapped financially.他恰好是经济上破了产。 They’re really strapped for money at the present time.他们目前确实是银根紧缺。... -