【来源及含义】Latin: large, great, greatest【相关词根词缀】;Related "big, large, great" words: ;grand-,macro-,magni-,major-,mega-,megalo-.【同源单词】a maximis ad minima, maxim, maxima, maximal, maximize, maximum... -
【来源及含义】Latin: matter, stuff, wood, timber; of or belonging to matter【同源单词】biomaterial, commaterial, dematerialize, immaterial, immaterially, materia... -
【来源及含义】Latin: ripe; to ripen; timely【同源单词】alopecia prematura, immature, immaturely, immatureness, immaturity, maturate... -
词根词缀:mater-, matri-, matro- matr-
【来源及含义】Latin: mother, mama, mom; mum [British]【同源单词】alma mater, dura mater, mater, materfamilias, maternal aunt, maternal dystocia... -
词根词缀:mastoido-, mastoid-
【来源及含义】Greek: breast; used in the specialized sense as "of or pertaining to the breast-shaped mastoid process of the temporal bone【同源单词】atlantomastoid, cleidomastoid, mastoid, mastoid angle, mastoid process, mastoidal... -
词根词缀:masto-, mast-, -mastia, -masty
【来源及含义】Greek: breast; the front of the human chest and either of two soft rounded organs on each side of the chest in women and men; however, with women the organs are more prominent and produce milk after childbirth; also, a milk... -
词根词缀:mastig-, mastigo-
【来源及含义】Greek: whip, flog, scourge【同源单词】mastigophobia, Mastigophora, mastigophoric, mastigophorous, Mastigoproctus, tetramastigote... -
【来源及含义】Latin > French: wholesale slaughter, carnage; slaughterhouse, butchery【同源单词】massacre, massacre, massacred, massacrer... -
词根词缀:mastic-, masti-
【来源及含义】Latin: to chew; Greek: to gnash, grind, or rub the upper and lower teeth together【同源单词】mastic, masticable, masticate, mastication, masticator, masticatory... -
词根词缀:mascu-, mas-
【来源及含义】Latin: male, manly, of or relating to men or boys; of the male sex and gender; bold, courageous【同源单词】emasculate, masculate, masculine, masculinity, masculinize, masculinoid... -
【来源及含义】Greek: (martus, martur-); Late Greek: (martur); Late Ecclesiastical Latin (martyr), Old English (martyr), Middle English (martir); witness【相关描述】Adopted directly into most Germanic languages, but Old Norse substituted native... -
【来源及含义】Latin: specter, witch, mask, nightmare > Italian mascera > French, masque [covering to hide or to protect the face]【同源单词】enmascarar, mascara, mascaraing, thickening mascara... -
词根词缀:marito-, marit-
【来源及含义】Latin: pertaining to a husband or marriage; used as a prefix【同源单词】mariticide, maritocratic, maritodespotic, maritodespotism, maritogenous, maritolegic... -
【来源及含义】Greek: armpit【同源单词】maschaladenitis, maschalagnia, maschalagniac, maschale, maschalephidrosis, maschaliatry... -